About Five Generations

Organic and Natural Living
Hello! My name is Sara. I am a mom to three great boys and wife to my supportive and hard working husband. I recently earned a certificate in Holistic Nutritional Consulting and am working hard toward becoming a Certified Herbalist. Natural healthcare and living life as healthy as possible are very important to me and a goal I try to strive for. It isn't always easy with so much information out there, but I feel that if we eat whole foods, try to stay away from toxins, and spend time with those we love - we are doing our best! On this site I will be sharing tips, healthy recipes, and information on living healthy so register for updates and come back often!
Why herbs and natural medicine? While I am very thankful that modern medicine is there for emergency care for accidents and first aid, I do not believe we are designed to take multiple medicines, endure toxic treatments for diseases, and follow advice of doctors that had little to no training on healthy eating and how it effects our immune system. I believe that God gave us all we need in plants and nature around us as well as our own immune systems to overcome disease. We just need to learn how to use those God given tools.
I grew up on the land that we are living on now. My great grandparents farmed here as well as my grandparents. I am so excited to say that we are trying to be great stewards of the land once owned by them by adding no toxic chemicals; gardening as God intended! I hope my grandpa would be proud!
I love being able to teach my boys about gardening, keeping animals, and natural living. A lot of times we are learning together - especially with our little sheep and horse!
I love learning about and using natural remedies with herbs and essential oils. I believe nutrition and natural remedies are lost in our society, but are so important and often times much more safe and useful than pharmaceuticals.
Here you will find healthy recipes, natural living, and homestead life articles. Thanks for stopping by, don't forget to join our community!