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6 Ways to Eat Organic for Less


Updated: Jan 29, 2019

"Eating organic is too expensive." "You can wash off the chemicals before you eat it." "If they are approved chemicals by the FDA they are safe." "I can't find organic food where I live." I have heard these are so many more reasons why people think eating organic isn't worth it. It is worth it! Your health and your family's is definitely worth it too! Eating organic can be inexpensive if you know how to shop!

Eating organic doesn't necessary mean eating healthy. Eating healthy means eating whole foods which are organic. Many studies have proven that it is better for people to eat organic produce and other whole foods instead of conventionally grown counterparts. Below are 5 tips that will help make it easier when shopping.

1. Don't buy "organic" junk food. Ok so we all like chips and other not so healthy snacks and sometimes it is hard to pass those things up in the store. Eating healthy can be a learning curve so be patient and eventually you will not even want to purchase those items once you learn how wonderful and satisfying healthy eating can taste! Instead of purchasing chips, granola bars, cookies, ice cream, and so on, you can learn to make these foods at home. When you make them at home the cost will be much less and they will taste so much better because they will be make with whole foods and no preservatives and other bad for you ingredients. Here are some links to some of my favorite recipes that can substitute for some unhealthy packaged foods in the store.

Homemade Granola Bars

Cheese Crackers

Tortilla Chips

Energy Balls

Banana Blitz (dairy free ice cream!)

2. Create a meal plan before you go - with a few extra choices! I have been so frustrated in the past with creating a meal plan and grocery list and then getting to the store and a couple ingredients from some of the recipes cannot be found. I found that having a few staple recipes in mind to substitute in place of those I cannot find ingredients for has really helped. When I meal plan, I come up with 7 dinner ideas (sometimes less based on after school plans for the week), easy lunch ideas (I pack lunches for my boys each school day because it is cheaper and the food I pack is much healthier), breakfast ideas (breakfast can be simple and healthy - eggs, oatmeal, whole grain waffles), and ingredients to make some granola bars or some other snack items to serve. Creating a meal plan will help you to stick to your healthy choices and stay away from convenience meals. When choosing your meal plan make sure to look at your plans for the week - slow cookers and Instant Pots can be a healthy eaters friend!

3. If you eat meat, find a local producer. Organic meat in the grocery store can be very expensive, all around the world are wonderful organic meat producers. Check out to search in your area. You can purchase a whole, half, or less in beef. You can also purchase organically raised chickens and keep this all in your fridge for when you need it. Purchasing in bulk will save you money overall. The cost might still be more than the cheap grocery store meat, but do we really want all those hormones and chemicals in the meat we eat anyway? Overall, we should be eating less meat, when making your recipes cut the amount of meat you are using in half - add more vegetables or other proteins such as cooked dried beans or grains such as quinoa. You will be full and healthier in the long run!

4. Buy organic bulk goods online! This is something I have been doing for years. When you eat both organic and healthy you need to have on hand items such as oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, healthy baking flours, chia seeds, bulk spices, nuts, and more. Buying these items in the grocery store can be expensive. Keep in mind the upfront cost of the bulk item might be more, but you won't have to buy the item again for a while so the overall cost is lowered. There are many online stores that sell all of these items for less. Below I list a few of my favorites for ordering. (the best and most economical for all types of bulk foods) (for Einkorn flour) (organic bulk dried beans) (bulk dried herbs and spices)

5. Take advantage of grocery store pickup if yours offers it. I was a little skeptical about this before I tried it but it is the best! This saves me money because I don't impulse buy at the store. I have an issue with that which ends up costing more money than I would like it to! My store's policy is that I have to place the order at least a day in advance and select a pickup window. When the time and day arrives I have to text them when I arrive at the store an they will bring out my items. When I place the order online, I have my meal plan ready to go. If any items are out of stock I can then choose a new meal for my menu and I know the items will be available. I can plan healthy snacks and choose fruits and vegetables that I want to serve that week. I really is a great service and I have been very happy with it so far. It also saves time and who doesn't like that!

6. Shop in season! We have grown accustomed to having any type of fruit or vegetable available at any time of the year. Produce that is not in season is usually shipped from far away which drives up the cost. If you eat in season, the cost will usually be reduced. The vitamin content of that fruit or vegetable is usually higher because it has less shelf storage time, less transit time, and it was grown according to how nature intended. Below is a link that shows which items are in season in the US during different times

Bonus: Grow your own food when you can. I know not everyone has space to grow a large garden to feed their family. Anyone CAN grow herbs on a windowsill or porch though! Fresh herbs take your recipes to another level - the flavor is amazing! During warmer weather you can grow cherry tomatoes, lettuce, fresh greens, peppers and more in containers near the house or on a balcony. It is easy to do and you won't believe the taste!

A few sources that you can read if you need more evidence!



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    Five Generations Homestead, part of Stone Fire Farms LLC

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