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Organic VS. Non-GMO

Is there a difference between non-GMO foods and organically grown foods? YES! There are so many food labels out there when we are in the grocery store. It can get confusing! We see the non-GMO label on a lot of products in the store. Many more companies are working toward getting that label on their products as more and more people are becoming aware of what GMO foods actually are.

First I will explain what a GMO food actually is. I use the term food loosely because in my opinion it is not actually a food but a creation made in a lab. GMO products are grown from seeds created by a few select companies to withstand certain environmental conditions and most of all large amounts of pesticides and herbicides.

According to "A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the result of a laboratory process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal. The foreign genes may come from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans. Because this involves the transfer of genes, GMOs are also known as “transgenic” organisms." In other words, scientists in a lab take genes from one species and add it to the DNA of another species. We do not know the long term risks of consuming foods like this is. We do know that the incidence of certain diseases has increased and the killing off of butterflies and certain pollinators has been on the rise. Is this related, evidence suggests it is.

A statement from says, "There is no scientific consensus on the safety of GMOs. According to a 2015 statement signed by 300 scientists, physicians and scholars, the claim of scientific consensus on GMOs frequently repeated in the media is “an artificial construct that has been falsely perpetuated.” To date, there have been no epidemiological studies investigating potential effects of GMO food on human health. Most of the research used to claim that GMOs are safe has been performed by biotechnology companies." We really don't know if GMO products are safe, how can we trust large companies that produce these seeds? They are in it for the profit and have a lot to loose if people don't purchase products grown with GMO seed. They would loose out on profit from the seed itself and the chemicals sprayed on the growing crops.

Products that have the non-GMO label are foods simply produced without the use of GMO ingredients. Over 90% of the corn, soybeans, cotton, and canola grown here in the US and Canada are grown using GMO seed. If you read any label in the grocery store you will find derivatives of corn, cotton, canola, and soybeans in most products. Unless you look for organic or products with the Non-GMO Project label, you will be ingesting GMO foods. We don't know the real effect on humans, we are a test project for these companies and the government itself. One thing to note, if a product has the Non_GMO Project label but not the organic label, it cannot have GMOs in it but it does not guarantee no pesticides or other toxic chemicals.

Organic foods on the other hand cannot, by law, have GMOs or toxic prohibited chemicals. This by far is the safest route to take if you are concerned about the effect of these lab created organisms in your food and ultimately your body. In working through organic certification, I learned how strict organic production is, and rightfully so. Organic production has to follow a strict list of products that can and cannot be used. GMOs are strictly prohibited. I am thankful we have the option of purchasing organic foods that I know are grown without toxic chemicals. I feel they are safer for my family.

Become educated on the very food you eat. Many other countries prohibit the growing and sale of GMO seeds and foods. They want to be sure these lab created organisms are indeed safe for their citizens. The USA on the other hand, has decided to allow GMOs to be grown freely and used in over 75% of foods sold in our stores without proper testing. Why aren't we protecting our citizens instead of putting greed first?

Check out this link for a complete list of products that are GMO free. Any product that has the USDA organic label is by law, GMO free.


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