The Importance of Vitamin D
Do you feel sad or down during the colder, cloudier months of the year? Does your mood suddenly improve when the sun is out and you spend time outside? These feelings are very common for many people around the world, especially those living in the northern climates. It is called Seasonal Affective Disorder. One way to combat this could be to supplement your levels of Vitamin D, especially when getting proper amounts of sun outside is difficult. Read below for Vitamin D basics and how to improve your mood, especially during the winter.
Vitamin D is extremely necessary for our bodies to carry out basic functions. Even though it is so important, the majority of people do not get enough and are deficient.
What does Vitamin D do in our bodies? It is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps our bodies regulate calcium levels - healthy bones and teeth. Also helps to regulate immune function and hormones!
LOW Vitamin D levels can cause issues such as poor immune function, increased rates of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, chronic pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, anxiety, and insomnia to name a few!
Many people are deficient in Vitamin D, especially those living where there is not a lot of sun during the winter months.
The BEST source of Vitamin D is through sunlight. It is recommended to get 20 minutes of direct exposure (without the use of sunblocks) each day! How is that possible when for at least half of the year we do not have direct sun?
Food sources:
Eggs - yolks especially - don't be afraid of the healthy egg yolk, don't eat only the whites!
Oily fish such as salmon (wild caught ONLY), sardines, herring, and mackerel
Benefits of Vitamin D
May help with weight loss, especially belly fat. Studies have shown that there is a connection with obesity and Vitamin D deficiency.
Adequate Vitamin D levels may help with brain health. Some studies show that Vitamin D deficiency may lead to depression, seasonal effective disorder, and insomnia. Low levels may also lead to lower school performance in children and work performance in adults.
May help prevent cancer. According to a study, Vitamin D may play a role in cancel cell death as well as tumor cell growth.
Vitamin D may also help strengthen bones, studies show that higher levels of this vitamin help with bone density. Deficiency may lead to higher risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.
Vitamin D also helps to improve immune function. It is thought to help against the development of colds and flu, by strengthening the immune system. Ever wonder why the winter has more incidences of cold and flu? Less sun, less Vitamin D...
Bottom Line: Vitamin D is necessary in many body functions as well as strengthening the immune system. Be sure to get sun exposure when possible. Decide with your healthcare provider if supplementation is necessary.
*This statement has not been evaluation by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.
*Sources: The Herbal Academy, draxe.com